Five people we could all love better


Every person has a need and a desire to be loved.

Love is a defining characteristic of God (1 John 4:8). The English Standard Version of the Bible uses the word love 551 times! Who does God love? John 3:16 says that He loves the whole world. With this in mind, we can all love these five people (or groups of people) better. 

  1. Love God. Matthew 22:37 - "And he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'" One great prayer today is, "God, help me to love you more than anything else." We are often so easily distracted by everything we have going on in our lives, and we forget our most important relationship. God is eternal. This life is a vapor. Trust in the Lord and love Him with all that you have. 

  2. Love your enemies. Jesus says in Matthew 5:44 - "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." It's easy to love those who love us in return. Part of God's upside-down kingdom is loving those who don't love us. Is there someone that you feel "has it out for you today?" Instead of thinking about how to defend yourself or get even, ask God to help you love that person. 

  3. Love your neighbors. The second half of the "Great Commandment" in Matthew 22 is to "love your neighbor as yourself." Who is your neighbor? Anyone who you encounter regularly. That may be a coworker, someone at the gym, or a server you encounter periodically, but if you live in a house, townhome, or apartment, it is very likely your literal neighbor. Think through specific ways to show them love and hospitality and ask the Lord to provide an opportunity to do so. 

  4. Love the church. The church is not a building. Its people. In Romans 12, Paul addresses the Church in Rome and challenges them to "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Do you love your local church? Is there someone that you can pray for, encourage, or specifically bless today? If the Lord puts someone on your mind while reading this, it's probably a prompt from Him to reach out and encourage or bless them. 

  5. Love yourself. Don't take this out of context (because it often does). As followers of Christ, we are called, first and foremost, to die for ourselves. To put on Christ. To live with outward focus. To put others above ourselves. All of those things are a call to self-sacrifice and self-denial. But it is possible to deny ourselves and sacrifice of ourselves while also "loving" the new creation Christ has made us. We don't have to live in depression or self-hatred because of our past or even current mistakes. God loves us, and therefore we are lovable. 2 Corinthians 5 says that the love of Christ controls us. His love enables us to love others. His love enables us to love ourselves. 

Rank these five groups in terms of how you currently show them love. Which are you best at? Which are you worst at? Ask God to help you today to love people better. Ask Him to give you an opportunity to show His love to whom you need to. 


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