Why membership?

The church is the body of Christ. As such, we are committed to Christ (Romans 10:9) and one another (Hebrews 10:24-25). Ephesians 5:18- 21). Under the chief shepherd, Jesus, the leaders of the church cast vision, equip believers for ministry, and lead the faith family to provide accountability in lifestyle (James 5:19-20) & doctrine (Acts 17:11; Hebrews 13:17). Together as the church, we live on mission (Acts 2:42-43) and exercise generosity (Acts 2:44-47).


Participate faithfully in sunday morning worship. 
Commit to serving regularly in the church.
Support the church through sacrificial giving.
Submit to the leadership of the church.
Attend family meetings.

Participate faithfully in a community group. 
Live a lifestyle of obedience to the teachings of scripture.
Confess and repent of sin.
Pursue spiritual habits. 
Care for community group members and others in the church.

Seek to know and serve your neighbors. 
Exercise Biblical hospitality.
Share the Gospel with others.


Faithfully preach and teach God’s word.
Provide biblical, skillful, and engaging worship. 
Offer opportunities for people to use their gifts, talents, and abilities to serve the church. 
Faithfully steward resources to make disciples and plant churches.
Clearly communicate the vision and mission of the church.

Provide resources to help people pursue spiritual habits.
Connect every member to a community group for ongoing care and encouragement.
Equip a team of pastors to shepherd members towards growth and maturity.
Pursue members who are straying from God’s design.
Protect the unity of the church.

Provide resources and training on how to share the Gospel.
Equip members to exercise biblical hospitality and live on mission.
Identify local, national and international missionary partners.
Develop strategies for members to pray, participate, and provide for missionary partners.

The final step is to participate in Sunday morning Member Affirmation. Email Chris Renfro at if you are ready to be affirmed on stage during one of our services.