Three reasons children’s ministry really matters


Parents around the country often spend weekends involving their children in various activities.

Because sporting events, time spent with family or friends, or simply resting at home are inherently positive experiences for children to engage in, it’s common for Sunday mornings to be taken off the busy schedule. After all, I think we can all agree it’s not for the faint of heart to get everyone up, fed, dressed, and out the door early on a Sunday morning. However, the benefits of having children actively involved in the church far outweigh any inconveniences we may encounter on Sunday mornings. There is eternal impact and great meaning found in Children’s Ministry, as the church bears faithful Christian witness to the children in our midst. Let’s dive into a few reasons why Children’s Ministry matters for your children and family as a whole. 


As a believer and parent, ultimate discipler of your children, you pray for the moment your children accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. According to a study done by the International Bible Society, roughly 83% of American Christians were saved between ages 4 and 14. Encouraging your children to be involved in church community will give them increased opportunities to encounter Jesus in a meaningful way. Jesus says in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” At Hope Kids, it is our privileged responsibility to come alongside you, as parents, to lead children to the Lord, paving a way for them to experience His love and goodness now and in eternity.


Godly fellowship is equally as important for children as it is for adults. Children, like adults, tend to mimic those who they are around. A wise person once told me, “You are a result of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Having your children in and around Children’s Ministry on a weekly basis promotes a healthy environment of God’s people, young, old, and all in between, striving to increase in Christlikeness. Being a part of Christian fellowship encourages children to further pursue the Lord and live according to His will.

One of my favorite memories in Hope Kids was getting a text message with a video of some Hope Church kids on a playdate giving their parents a performance, complete with singing and dancing, to “My Lighthouse.” These kids learned this song and dance together in Hope Kids on a Sunday morning, and it later on became a source of joy and fun even in their free time. Godly fellowship is lasting!

Family discipleship

In continuation that the majority of Christians accept Jesus early on in their lives, the majority of these salvations happened not at church, but in the home. As your children’s ultimate discipler, you can powerfully utilize lessons from Children’s Ministry to promote meaningful conversations in your home with your children. Powerful, godly conversation with children oftentimes occurs in the mundane. This is a beautiful gift! Perhaps it’s recalling what they learned at church that morning as you tuck them into bed on Sunday night or practicing the Bible memory verses and discussing their meaning together in the car. There are limitless opportunities for conversations with our children to lead into why we all need Jesus, what it means to surrender our lives to Him in repentance, and live in obedience for His honor and glory. Let’s never shy away from the big questions about faith we often receive from children who are consistently exposed to the church and its values!

God promises in Scripture to meet with His people in a special way as they gather for worship, children included (Matthew 18:20). In Hope Kids, we want our children present for this glorious meeting with Jesus, our Savior. After all, “From the lips of children and infants God has ordained praise” (Psalm 8:2). Involving children in church on a weekly basis isn’t necessarily easy, but it is right and in accordance with God’s purpose for His people. Like any hard but right thing, it has the ability to yield bountiful fruit to those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11). Hope Kids cares deeply for your child’s salvation, fellowship with believers, and discipleship in the home. With Christ being our ultimate teacher and guide, we are here to walk alongside you and your family in your faith journeys and in whatever this life on earth may bring.


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